This is week 2 of sixth graders participating in the Junior Achievement program. We are so lucky to have Theresa Cody from Bangor Savings Bank teaching our students about skills, interest and ways to start thinking about future careers.
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
Here are some resources from Attendance Works. If we can help support your student please let us know! Attendance is very important!
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
Due to snow and ice accumulations, there will be no school today, Thursday, January 26th.
about 2 years ago, Trish Clark
Get your PJs ready for next week! Friday, February 3rd will be a PJ day sponsored by Student Council!
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
February Menus
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
Due to the forecast for tomorrow Monday, January 23rd that includes 6 to 12 inches of snow and gusting winds throughout the greater Bangor region we will call a snow day.
about 2 years ago, David Wilcox
Student council hopes to see you tonight at the dance!
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
Snowy weather is a lot of fun, but being wet when you come in is not! Please send your students in with spare clothing, including socks! We want our students to be comfortable at school and limit calls home if we can. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
Due to the weather conditions, we will have a 2 hour delay tomorrow, Tuesday, January 17th. There will be no AM Pre-K.
about 2 years ago, Trish Clark
Due to expected weather, all after school activities/games have been canceled. The games will be postponed to a later date. Stay safe!
about 2 years ago, David Wilcox
The Old Town Orono YMCA has many offerings coming up! Check them out!
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
*8th Grade Parents/guardians only. High school information has been going home with 8th grade students. Information can also be found on the 8th grade SEL google classroom. High School activity permission slips have gone home and need to be returned. Please reach out to Mrs. McDunnah with any questions. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
Support the 8th grade and wear your PJs for $1 this Friday!
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
Student Council is sponsoring their second middle school dance!
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
January 5th, 2023. Due the 2 hour delay there will be no AM Pre-K classes. Thank you for your time and have a great day.
about 2 years ago, David Wilcox
Thursday January 5th, 2023. Due the weather there will be a two hour delayed we will be opening the doors at 9:30AM. Have a great morning and stay safe!
about 2 years ago, David Wilcox
Second grade celebrated Grinch Day yesterday and had a blast!
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
Caring Community Cupboard serves our area to provide families with food and other items when in need. Please check out their page for more information!
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
Today we celebrated the December students of the month! Thank you to our 5th/6th grade team for running the activities! It was a lot of fun!
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah
Our Kindergarten and 1st grade friends went caroling around the school and in return some of our middle school students returned the gesture at their lunch!
about 2 years ago, Angela McDunnah