Please see the attached flyer for a Girl Scout opportunity.

Girls soccer will play FIRST on Thursday at home vs Bangor Christian.
Please note this is a change to the original schedule.
Go Wildcats!

The 5th & 6th grades have been working with measurements this week. Students were excited to figure out the length of many things including our hallways! Students also learned how to use triple beam balances and make accurate measurements. We are off to a great start!

We appreciate your support!

Tuesday's home soccer games versus Orono have been postponed. A new date is yet to be determined.

It’s time to stock our student resource center and we need your help! A box will be outside the front door during parent drop off and pick up for food and snack donations. Food donations support our vacation backpack program and snacks allow us to offer snacks to students that don’t have them during the school day. If you have any questions please ask Mrs.McDunnah. Thank you in advance for your help!

There's still time to turn in your Read to Ride Summer Reading Challenge Passport! Please be sure your child turns this in to his/her classroom teacher by September 22nd! Thank you!

Soccer tryouts for grades 5-8 are tomorrow, Tuesday, September 5th after school until 4pm. Please have students wear shorts and bring water.

Our menu information can be found here on our website!

Keep an eye out Milford! Our staff are on the way on the big yellow bus!

It is almost time for school! If your student is in need of school supplies or a backpack please reach out to Mrs. McDunnah by call or text at 207-200-5912 to be added to our list. School supplies can be picked up during our open house!

Happy Summer to all of you! I hope that you are all enjoying your summer and also taking some time to read. This is a reminder that we are participating in the Read To Ride Summer Reading challenge. Information was sent home with your child at the end of the school year. Kids (or parents), please be sure to fill out the passport as you read showing that you’ve tallied 500 minutes (or more) over the summer. I can’t wait to see how many of our kids are participating and what you have read for books!
In case you misplaced your Passport, here is the link from which you can print it: https://www.maine.gov/doe/learning/content/ela/initiatives/literacyforme/readtoride
Mrs. Curtis

1st grade enjoyed celebrating the last day of school with some shaving cream fun!

Last night we celebrated our 8th grade class of 2023! We miss them already and can’t wait to see how they change the world.

Today is our last day of school and an early release day. Dismissal will be at 11:45am. We hope you all have a great summer!

Today the 8th graders were treated to a special breakfast! We sure are enjoying every moment with them before promotion tonight!

Today we held our end of year awards assembly. We had so many students to celebrate! What a great school year with so many accomplishments!

K-4 field day was so much fun!

Second grade spent some time this afternoon decorating hats to celebrate the end of the school year! Each student got a hat to decorate and ask their friends and teachers to sign. The students were so creative! They came out great!

Read to Ride Summer Reading information!